Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt StampElems Alloc 17 Oct 95 Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt FoldElems MarkElems Alloc MODULE Files; (* CM/HM/CS IMPORT SYSTEM, Sys, Kernel, Dsp, Directories, Strings; CONST nofbufs = 4; (* buffers per file *) bufSize = 4096; (* size of each buffer *) fileTabSize = 64; (* maximum number of simultaneously open access paths *) none = -1; noErr = 0; (* no error *) fnfErr = -43; (* file not found error *) File* = POINTER TO FileDesc; Buffer = POINTER TO BufDesc; FileDesc = RECORD name: Sys.Str63; (*name under which the file is to be registered (pure file name)*) spec: Sys.FSSpec; (*file specification for MacOS*) refNum: INTEGER; (*file reference number*) registered: BOOLEAN; (*TRUE if opened with Old or if Registered*) ix: INTEGER; (*file table index*) swapper: INTEGER; (*index of next buffer to swap *) len, time, date: LONGINT; buf: ARRAY nofbufs OF Buffer END; BufDesc = RECORD f: File; changed: BOOLEAN; org, size: LONGINT; data: ARRAY bufSize OF SYSTEM.BYTE END; Rider* = RECORD res*: LONGINT; eof*: BOOLEAN; buf: Buffer; org, offset: LONGINT END; B2 = ARRAY 2 OF CHAR; B4 = ARRAY 4 OF CHAR; B8 = ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; (*----- LoaderOld has to be the first variable in the data segment *) LoaderOld: PROCEDURE (spec: Sys.FSSpec; VAR res: INTEGER); LoaderGetPaths: PROCEDURE; (*unused*) tempno: LONGINT; nofpaths: INTEGER; fileTab: ARRAY fileTabSize OF LONGINT; (* = File *) PROCEDURE^ DeleteFile (spec: Sys.FSSpec; VAR res: INTEGER); PROCEDURE SetStr255 (VAR in: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR out: Sys.Str255); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE in[i] # 0X DO out[i+1] := in[i]; INC(i) END; out[0] := CHR(i) END SetStr255; PROCEDURE MakeSpec (VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR spec: Sys.FSSpec; VAR res: INTEGER); VAR s: Sys.Str255; startupDir: Directories.Directory; n: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN COPY (name, n); IF n[0] = "$" THEN startupDir := Directories.Startup (); Strings.Delete(n, 0, 1); Strings.Insert(Directories.delimiter, 0, n); Strings.Insert(startupDir.path, 0, n) END; SetStr255(n, s); res := Sys.FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, s, spec) (*name with path: vRefNum and parID are ignored; name without path: 0, 0 means default directory*) END MakeSpec; PROCEDURE GetName (spec: Sys.FSSpec; VAR path, name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR s: Sys.Str255; v, res, i, j: INTEGER; d: LONGINT; sp: Sys.FSSpec; buf: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; BEGIN j := 128; s := ""; v := spec.vRefNum; d := spec.parID; REPEAT DEC(j); buf[j] := ":"; res := Sys.FSMakeFSSpec(v, d, s, sp); FOR i := ORD([0]) TO 1 BY -1 DO DEC(j); buf[j] :=[i] END; d := sp.parID UNTIL d = 1; i := 0; REPEAT path[i] := buf[j]; INC(i); INC(j) UNTIL j = 127; path[i] := 0X; FOR i := 0 TO ORD([0])-1 DO name[i] :=[i+1] END; name[i] := 0X END GetName; PROCEDURE GetTempName (VAR name: Sys.Str63); VAR n, i: LONGINT; BEGIN INC(tempno); n := tempno; name := " Oberon.Tmp.0000000000"; name[0] := CHR(21); i := 21; WHILE n # 0 DO name[i] := CHR(n MOD 10 + ORD("0")); n := n DIV 10; DEC(i) END GetTempName; PROCEDURE GetIndex (VAR ix: INTEGER); BEGIN FOR ix := 0 TO fileTabSize -1 DO IF fileTab[ix] = 0 THEN RETURN END END; HALT(21) (*too many files open*) END GetIndex; PROCEDURE GetFileDate (spec: Sys.FSSpec; VAR t, d: LONGINT; VAR res: INTEGER); VAR pb: Sys.CInfoPBFileRec; BEGIN pb.ioCompletion := 0; pb.ioNamePtr := SYSTEM.ADR(; pb.ioVRefNum := spec.vRefNum; pb.ioDirID := spec.parID; pb.ioFDirIndex := 0; Sys.PBHGetFInfo(SYSTEM.VAL(Sys.CInfoPBFilePtr, SYSTEM.ADR(pb))); res := pb.ioResult; ASSERT(res = noErr); Sys.ConvertTime(pb.ioFlMdDat, t, d) END GetFileDate; PROCEDURE OpenFile (f: File; permssn: SHORTINT); VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN (*f exists on disk*) res := Sys.FSpOpenDF(f.spec, permssn, f.refNum); ASSERT((res = noErr) OR (res = -49), 22); (* workaround: accept error -49 *) IF nofpaths = fileTabSize - 1 THEN Kernel.GC; IF nofpaths = fileTabSize - 1 THEN res := Sys.FSClose(f.refNum); HALT(21) END END; INC(nofpaths); GetIndex(f.ix); fileTab[f.ix] := SYSTEM.VAL(LONGINT, f); GetFileDate(f.spec, f.time,, res); ASSERT(res = noErr, 23) END OpenFile; PROCEDURE ThisFile (spec: Sys.FSSpec): File; VAR i, j, len: INTEGER; f: File; BEGIN len := ORD([0]); FOR i := 0 TO fileTabSize - 1 DO IF fileTab[i] # 0 THEN f := SYSTEM.VAL(File, fileTab[i]); IF (f.spec.vRefNum = spec.vRefNum) & (f.spec.parID = spec.parID) & (ORD([0]) = len) THEN j := 1; WHILE (j <= len) & (CAP([j]) = CAP([j])) DO INC(j) END; IF j > len THEN Dsp.String("--- found"); Dsp.Ln; RETURN f END END END END; RETURN NIL END ThisFile; PROCEDURE RenameFile (spec: Sys.FSSpec; VAR newName: Sys.Str63; VAR res: INTEGER); (*newName is pure file name => renames only in same directory*) VAR newSpec: Sys.FSSpec; s: Sys.Str255; i: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO ORD(newName[0]) DO s[i] := newName[i] END; res := Sys.FSMakeFSSpec(spec.vRefNum, spec.parID, s, newSpec); IF res = noErr THEN DeleteFile(newSpec, res) END; res := Sys.FSpRename(spec, s); END RenameFile; PROCEDURE DeleteFile (spec: Sys.FSSpec; VAR res: INTEGER); (*if specified file is in fileTab then unregister it else delete it*) VAR f: File; temp: Sys.Str63; BEGIN f := ThisFile(spec); IF f = NIL THEN res := Sys.FSpDelete(spec) ELSE (*make it a temporary*) GetTempName(temp); RenameFile(f.spec, temp, res); IF res = noErr THEN f.registered := FALSE; := temp; := temp END END DeleteFile; PROCEDURE Create (f: File); (*called for temporary files if one of their buffers gets read or written*) VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN (*f.ix = none*) GetTempName(; (*rest of f.spec already ok*) DeleteFile(f.spec, res); res := Sys.FSpCreate(f.spec, Sys.ApplSig, Sys.FileSig, Sys.smSystemScript); ASSERT(res = noErr); OpenFile(f, Sys.fsRdWrPerm) END Create; PROCEDURE ReadBlock (refNum, posmode: INTEGER; pos, count: LONGINT; VAR buf: ARRAY OF SYSTEM.BYTE; VAR res: INTEGER); BEGIN res := Sys.SetFPos(refNum, posmode, pos); IF res = noErr THEN res := Sys.FSRead(refNum, count, SYSTEM.ADR(buf)) END END ReadBlock; PROCEDURE WriteBlock (refNum: INTEGER; pos, count: LONGINT; VAR buf: ARRAY OF SYSTEM.BYTE; VAR res: INTEGER); VAR logEOF: LONGINT; allocSize: LONGINT; BEGIN res := Sys.GetEOF(refNum, logEOF); ASSERT(res = noErr); IF (pos + count) > logEOF THEN allocSize := pos + count - logEOF; res := Sys.Allocate(refNum, allocSize); ASSERT(res = noErr); res := Sys.SetEOF(refNum, pos + count); ASSERT(res = noErr) END; res := Sys.SetFPos(refNum, Sys.fsFromStart, pos); ASSERT(res = noErr); res := Sys.FSWrite(refNum, count, SYSTEM.ADR(buf)) END WriteBlock; PROCEDURE Flush (buf: Buffer); VAR f: File; res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF buf.changed THEN f := buf.f; IF f.ix = none THEN Create(f) END; WriteBlock(f.refNum,, buf.size,, res); buf.changed := FALSE END Flush; PROCEDURE Old* (name: ARRAY OF CHAR): File; VAR spec: Sys.FSSpec; res: INTEGER; f: File; i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF name = "" THEN RETURN NIL END; (*IF name = "DUMP" THEN Dump; RETURN NIL END;*) MakeSpec(name, spec, res); IF res # noErr THEN i := 0; WHILE (name[i] # 0X) & (name[i] # ":") DO INC(i) END; IF name[i] = 0X THEN LoaderOld(spec, res) END END; IF res = noErr THEN (*found in current dir, paths or appl.dir*) f := ThisFile(spec); IF f = NIL THEN NEW(f); f.spec := spec; :=; OpenFile(f, Sys.fsRdWrPerm); res := Sys.GetEOF(f.refNum, f.len); ASSERT(res = noErr); f.registered := TRUE; f.swapper := -1 END ELSE f := NIL END; RETURN f END Old; PROCEDURE New* (name: ARRAY OF CHAR): File; VAR f: File; res: INTEGER; BEGIN NEW(f); MakeSpec(name, f.spec, res); :=; f.ix := none; f.len := 0; f.refNum := -1; f.time := 0; := 0; f.swapper := -1; f.registered := FALSE; RETURN f END New; PROCEDURE Close* (f: File); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF f.ix = none THEN Create(f) END; i := 0; WHILE (i < nofbufs) & (f.buf[i] # NIL) DO Flush(f.buf[i]); INC(i) END END Close; PROCEDURE Register* (f: File); (* no registration if f.registered, i.e. opened with Old or already Registered before*) VAR res: INTEGER; path, name: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF f.ix = none THEN (*opened with New but not yet created; f.spec already specifies*) DeleteFile(f.spec, res); res := Sys.FSpCreate(f.spec, Sys.ApplSig, Sys.FileSig, Sys.smSystemScript); ASSERT(res = noErr); OpenFile(f, Sys.fsRdWrPerm) ELSIF ~f.registered THEN RenameFile(f.spec,, res); IF res = noErr THEN := END END; f.registered := TRUE; Close(f); GetName(f.spec, path, name); Directories.notify(Directories.insert, path, name) END Register; PROCEDURE Delete* (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR res: INTEGER); (** return codes: res = 0: file deleted; res = 3: name is not well formed *) VAR spec: Sys.FSSpec; path, nm: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; BEGIN MakeSpec(name, spec, res); IF (res # noErr) & (res # fnfErr) THEN res := 3; RETURN END; GetName(spec, path, nm); IF res = noErr THEN DeleteFile(spec, res) END; IF res = noErr THEN res := 0; Directories.notify(Directories.delete, path, nm) ELSE res := 2 END END Delete; PROCEDURE Rename* (old, new: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR res: INTEGER); (** return codes: res = 0: file renamed; res = 1: new name already exists and is now associated with the new file; res = 2: old name is not in directory; res = 3: name is not well formed; res = 5: other error *) VAR oldSpec, newSpec, spec: Sys.FSSpec; f: File; retval, i, j: INTEGER; oldPath, newPath, oldName, newName: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; BEGIN res := 0; MakeSpec(old, oldSpec, retval); IF retval # noErr THEN res := 2; RETURN END; MakeSpec(new, newSpec, retval); IF ~ ((retval = noErr) OR (retval = fnfErr)) THEN res := 3; RETURN END; GetName(oldSpec, oldPath, oldName); GetName(newSpec, newPath, newName); IF retval # fnfErr THEN DeleteFile(newSpec, retval); IF retval = noErr THEN res := 1 END END; IF (oldSpec.vRefNum = newSpec.vRefNum) & (oldSpec.parID = newSpec.parID) THEN (*same directory*) RenameFile(oldSpec,, retval); ASSERT(retval = 0); f := ThisFile(oldSpec); IF f # NIL THEN :=; := END ELSE (*move to other directory*) MakeSpec(newPath, spec, retval); ASSERT(retval = 0); retval := Sys.FSpCatMove(oldSpec, spec); IF retval = noErr THEN IF f # NIL THEN MakeSpec(new, newSpec, retval); f.spec.parID := newSpec.parID END END; IF retval # noErr THEN res := 5 END END; IF res <= 1 THEN Directories.notify(Directories.delete, oldPath, oldName); Directories.notify(Directories.insert, newPath, newName) END Rename; PROCEDURE Purge* (f: File); VAR i, res: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO nofbufs-1 DO IF f.buf[i] # NIL THEN f.buf[i].org := -1; f.buf[i] := NIL END END; IF f.ix # none THEN res := Sys.SetEOF(f.refNum, 0); GetFileDate(f.spec, f.time,, res) END; f.len := 0; f.swapper := -1 END Purge; PROCEDURE GetDate* (f: File; VAR time, date: LONGINT); BEGIN time := f.time; date := END GetDate; PROCEDURE Base* (VAR r: Rider): File; BEGIN RETURN r.buf.f END Base; PROCEDURE Pos* (VAR r: Rider): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN + r.offset END Pos; PROCEDURE Length* (f: File): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN f.len END Length; PROCEDURE Set* (VAR r: Rider; f: File; pos: LONGINT); VAR org, offset, i: LONGINT; buf: Buffer; res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF pos > f.len THEN pos := f.len ELSIF pos < 0 THEN pos := 0 END; offset := pos MOD bufSize; org := pos - offset; i := 0; WHILE (i < nofbufs) & (f.buf[i] # NIL) & (org # f.buf[i].org) DO INC(i) END; IF i < nofbufs THEN IF f.buf[i] = NIL THEN (*f.buf[i..bufSize-1] empty*) NEW(buf); buf.changed := FALSE; := -1; buf.f := f; f.buf[i] := buf ELSE (*org = f.buf[i].org*) buf := f.buf[i] END ELSE (*all buffers full => swap*) f.swapper := (f.swapper + 1) MOD nofbufs; buf := f.buf[f.swapper]; Flush(buf) END; IF # org THEN IF org = f.len THEN buf.size := 0 ELSE IF f.ix = none THEN Create(f) END; IF f.len - org < bufSize THEN buf.size := f.len - org ELSE buf.size := bufSize END; ReadBlock(f.refNum, Sys.fsFromStart, org, buf.size,, res) END; := org; buf.changed := FALSE END; r.buf := buf; := org; r.offset := offset; r.eof := FALSE; r.res := 0 END Set; (* Data in files is stored in little endian format: the least significant byte gets the least address in the file. Thus the read data must be converted to big endian (as the PowerPC is a big endian machine) by exchanging the most significant byte with the least significant byte. Furthermore the ordering of the bits in a set has changed: On the 68k and x86 the bit 0 is the rightmost bit, on the PowerPC the bit 0 is the leftmost bit. So the bits have to be exchanged too. *) PROCEDURE Read* (VAR r: Rider; VAR x: SYSTEM.BYTE); VAR buf: Buffer; offset: LONGINT; BEGIN buf := r.buf; offset := r.offset; IF # THEN Set(r, buf.f, + offset); buf := r.buf; offset := r.offset END; IF offset < buf.size THEN x :=[offset]; r.offset := offset + 1; RETURN ELSIF + offset < buf.f.len THEN Set(r, r.buf.f, + offset); x :=[0]; r.offset := 1 ELSE x := 0X; r.eof := TRUE END Read; PROCEDURE ReadBytes* (VAR r: Rider; VAR x: ARRAY OF SYSTEM.BYTE; n: LONGINT); VAR xpos, min, restInBuf, offset: LONGINT; buf: Buffer; BEGIN ASSERT(n <= LEN(x)); xpos := 0; buf := r.buf; offset := r.offset; WHILE n > 0 DO IF ( # OR (offset >= bufSize) THEN Set(r, buf.f, + offset); buf := r.buf; offset := r.offset END; restInBuf := buf.size - offset; IF restInBuf = 0 THEN r.res := n; r.eof := TRUE; RETURN ELSIF n > restInBuf THEN min := restInBuf ELSE min := n END; SYSTEM.MOVE(SYSTEM.ADR([offset]), SYSTEM.ADR(x[xpos]), min); INC(offset, min); r.offset := offset; INC(xpos, min); DEC(n, min) END; r.res := n; r.eof := FALSE END ReadBytes; PROCEDURE ReadInt* (VAR R: Rider; VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: B2; BEGIN Read(R, b[1]); Read(R, b[0]); x := SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, b) END ReadInt; PROCEDURE ReadLInt* (VAR R: Rider; VAR x: LONGINT); VAR b, c: B4; BEGIN ReadBytes(R, b, 4); c[0] := b[3]; c[1] := b[2]; c[2] := b[1]; c[3] := b[0]; x:=SYSTEM.VAL(LONGINT, c) END ReadLInt; PROCEDURE ReadSet* (VAR R: Rider; VAR x: SET); VAR b, c: B4; y: SET; i: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadBytes(R, b, 4); c[0] := b[3]; c[1] := b[2]; c[2] := b[1]; c[3] := b[0]; y:=SYSTEM.VAL(SET, c); x := {}; i := 0; WHILE i < 32 DO IF i IN y THEN INCL(x, 31 - i) END; INC(i) END ReadSet; PROCEDURE ReadBool* (VAR R: Rider; VAR x: BOOLEAN); VAR ch: CHAR; BEGIN Read(R, ch); x:= ch # 0X END ReadBool; PROCEDURE ReadReal* (VAR R: Rider; VAR x: REAL); VAR b, c: B4; BEGIN ReadBytes(R, b, 4); c[0] := b[3]; c[1] := b[2]; c[2] := b[1]; c[3] := b[0]; x:=SYSTEM.VAL(REAL, c) END ReadReal; PROCEDURE ReadLReal* (VAR R: Rider; VAR x: LONGREAL); VAR b, c: B8; BEGIN ReadBytes(R, b, 8); c[0] := b[7]; c[1] := b[6]; c[2] := b[5]; c[3] := b[4]; c[4] := b[3]; c[5] := b[2]; c[6] := b[1]; c[7] := b[0]; x:=SYSTEM.VAL(LONGREAL, c) END ReadLReal; PROCEDURE ReadString* (VAR R: Rider; VAR x: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, len: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i:=0; len:=SHORT(LEN(x)); REPEAT Read(R, ch); x[i]:=ch; INC(i) UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (i = len); IF i = len THEN x[len - 1] := 0X END END ReadString; PROCEDURE ReadNum* (VAR R: Rider; VAR x: LONGINT); VAR s: SHORTINT; ch: CHAR; y: LONGINT; BEGIN s := 0; y := 0; Read(R, ch); WHILE ch >= 80X DO INC(y, ASH(LONG(ch) - 128, s)); INC(s, 7); Read(R, ch) END; x := ASH(SYSTEM.LSH(LONG(ch), 25), s - 25) + y END ReadNum; PROCEDURE Write* (VAR r: Rider; x: SYSTEM.BYTE); VAR buf: Buffer; offset: LONGINT; BEGIN buf := r.buf; offset := r.offset; IF ( # OR (offset >= bufSize) THEN Set(r, buf.f, + offset); buf := r.buf; offset := r.offset END;[offset] := x; buf.changed := TRUE; IF offset = buf.size THEN INC(buf.size); INC(buf.f.len) END; r.offset := offset + 1 END Write; PROCEDURE WriteBytes* (VAR r: Rider; VAR x: ARRAY OF SYSTEM.BYTE; n: LONGINT); VAR xpos, min, restInBuf, offset: LONGINT; buf: Buffer; BEGIN ASSERT(n <= LEN(x)); xpos := 0; buf := r.buf; offset := r.offset; WHILE n > 0 DO IF ( # OR (offset >= bufSize) THEN Set(r, buf.f, + offset); buf := r.buf; offset := r.offset END; restInBuf := bufSize - offset; IF n < restInBuf THEN min := n ELSE min := restInBuf END; SYSTEM.MOVE(SYSTEM.ADR(x[xpos]), SYSTEM.ADR([offset]), min); INC(offset, min); r.offset := offset; IF offset > buf.size THEN INC(buf.f.len, offset - buf.size); buf.size := offset END; INC(xpos, min); DEC(n, min); buf.changed:=TRUE END WriteBytes; PROCEDURE WriteInt* (VAR R: Rider; x: INTEGER); VAR b, c: B2; BEGIN c := SYSTEM.VAL(B2, x); b[0] := c[1]; b[1] := c[0]; WriteBytes(R, b, 2) END WriteInt; PROCEDURE WriteLInt* (VAR R: Rider; x: LONGINT); VAR b, c: B4; BEGIN c := SYSTEM.VAL(B4, x); b[0] := c[3]; b[1] := c[2]; b[2] := c[1]; b[3] := c[0]; WriteBytes(R, b, 4) END WriteLInt; PROCEDURE WriteSet* (VAR R: Rider; x: SET); VAR y: SET; i: INTEGER; b, c: B4; BEGIN y := {}; i := 0; WHILE i < 32 DO IF i IN x THEN INCL(y, 31-i) END; INC(i) END; c := SYSTEM.VAL(B4, y); b[0] := c[3]; b[1] := c[2]; b[2] := c[1]; b[3] := c[0]; WriteBytes(R, b, 4) END WriteSet; PROCEDURE WriteBool* (VAR R: Rider; x: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF x THEN Write(R, 1X) ELSE Write(R, 0X) END END WriteBool; PROCEDURE WriteReal* (VAR R: Rider; x: REAL); VAR b, c: B4; BEGIN c := SYSTEM.VAL(B4, x); b[0] := c[3]; b[1] := c[2]; b[2] := c[1]; b[3] := c[0]; WriteBytes(R, b, 4) END WriteReal; PROCEDURE WriteLReal* (VAR R: Rider; x: LONGREAL); VAR b, c: B8; BEGIN c := SYSTEM.VAL(B8, x); b[0] := c[7]; b[1] := c[6]; b[2] := c[5]; b[3] := c[4]; b[4] := c[3]; b[5] := c[2]; b[6] := c[1]; b[7] :=c [0]; WriteBytes(R, b, 8) END WriteLReal; PROCEDURE WriteString* (VAR R: Rider; x: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE x[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; WriteBytes(R, x, i + 1) END WriteString; PROCEDURE WriteNum* (VAR R: Rider; x: LONGINT); BEGIN WHILE (x < -64) OR (x > 63) DO Write(R, CHR(x MOD 128 + 128)); x:=x DIV 128 END; Write(R, CHR(x MOD 128)) END WriteNum; PROCEDURE CollectFiles; (*called between mark and sweep phase of garbage collector*) VAR i: LONGINT; s: SET; f: File; res: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO fileTabSize - 1 DO IF fileTab[i] # 0 THEN f := SYSTEM.VAL(File, fileTab[i]); SYSTEM.GET(SYSTEM.VAL(LONGINT, f) - 4, s); IF ~(Kernel.MarkBit IN s) THEN (*not marked in the mark phase*) fileTab[i]:=0; DEC(nofpaths); res := Sys.FSClose(f.refNum); ASSERT(res = noErr); IF ~f.registered THEN res := Sys.FSpDelete(f.spec) END END END END; END CollectFiles; PROCEDURE Dismount; (*called before PowerMac Oberon is quit*) VAR s: Sys.Str255; res: INTEGER; BEGIN CollectFiles; s[0] := 0X; res := Sys.FlushVol(SYSTEM.ADR(s), 0); END Dismount; (*PROCEDURE DS (spec: Sys.FSSpec); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN Dsp.String("vRefNum="); Dsp.Int(spec.vRefNum); Dsp.String(", parID="); Dsp.Int(spec.parID); Dsp.String(" "); FOR i := 1 TO ORD([0]) DO Dsp.Char([i]) END; Dsp.Ln END DS; PROCEDURE Dump; VAR i, j: INTEGER; f: File; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO fileTabSize -1 DO IF fileTab[i] # 0 THEN f := SYSTEM.VAL(File, fileTab[i]); Dsp.Int(i); Dsp.Char(" "); FOR j := 1 TO ORD([0]) DO Dsp.Char([j]) END; Dsp.String(" ("); Dsp.Int(f.spec.vRefNum); Dsp.Char(" "); Dsp.Int(f.spec.parID); Dsp.Char(" "); FOR j := 1 TO ORD([0]) DO Dsp.Char([j]) END; Dsp.String(") "); Dsp.Int(f.refNum); IF f.registered THEN Dsp.String(" registered ") ELSE Dsp.String(" notRegistered ") END; Dsp.Int(f.len); Dsp.Char(" "); FOR j := 0 TO nofbufs-1 DO IF f.buf[j] = NIL THEN Dsp.Char(".") ELSE Dsp.Char("x") END END; Dsp.Ln END END Dump; BEGIN tempno := ABS(Sys.TickCount()); Kernel.gcQ.Add(CollectFiles); Kernel.quitQ.Add(Dismount); nofpaths := 0 END Files.